2736x1824 photo of ice burg, kleifarvatn HD wallpaper free download

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About kleifarvatn

Kleifarvatn is the largest lake on the Reykjanes Peninsula in Iceland, situated in the southern part of the peninsula. It is located on the fissure zone of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The lake has no visible water coming in or going out as most of its water comes and leaves underground. The lake can be reached via a track, and there are two areas with high temperature that can be found not far from it: Seltún/Krýsuvík and another to the east. The lake's greatest depth is 97 m. After the big earthquake in 2000, the lake began to diminish, and 20% of its surface has since disappeared.

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photo of ice burg, kleifarvatn
photo of ice burg, kleifarvatn wallpaper
photo of ice burg, kleifarvatn