1600x1200 closeup photography of Butterfly on pink petaled flower, boloria eunomia, fritillary HD wallpaper free download

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About boloria eunomia

The bog fritillary or ocellate bog fritillary (Boloria eunomia) is a butterfly of the Nymphalidae family.

About fritillary

Fritillaria is a genus of Eurasian, North African, and North American plants in the lily family. There are about 100 to 130 species of bulbous plants in the family Liliaceae, native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, especially the Mediterranean, southwest Asia, and western North America. The name is derived from the Latin term for a dice-box (fritillus), and probably refers to the checkered pattern of the flowers of many species. Plants of the genus are known in English as fritillaries. Some North American species are called mission bells.

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closeup photography of Butterfly on pink petaled flower, boloria eunomia, fritillary
closeup photography of Butterfly on pink petaled flower, boloria eunomia, fritillary wallpaper
closeup photography of Butterfly on pink petaled flower, boloria eunomia, fritillary